KMBC students are equipped to pastor and shepherd the flock of God.

KMBC students are equipped to pastor and shepherd the flock of God.
I have never been around a finer student body.
The Biblical and practical training I received at KMBC has been invaluable.
I know of no college that is as great as this one [KMBC].
They [KMBC] know holiness doctrine as biblically articulated. They have solid biblical foundations.
KMBC is producing the kind of young people who make an enduring difference in this world.
WGM seeks to maintain a high profile on the KMBC campus, wanting to recruit as many as we can.
Depending on what kind of work they might be given to, we consider KMBC graduates to be well prepared for missionary service.
Students from KMBC are top notch. They are prepared not only mentally, but spiritually to fulfill their ministry.
Two words describe what I have come to expect KMBC graduates to be: “balanced” and “sacrificial.“