
In the next few days friendly voices from KMBC will be calling friends of the college asking them to participate in our annual Phonathon. If you receive a call, we hope you will say “Yes.” Every year hundreds of our supporters say “Yes” and give to the Annual KMBC Phonathon, which supports our annual fund. It is a great blessing to the callers, the college, and the friends who give.
78% percent of KMBC’s graduates go into some form of Christian ministry! Your giving helps KMBC send its graduates out as missionaries, Christian workers, pastors, and messengers of God’s salvation into the world’s whitened harvest fields.
[cq_vc_flipbox avatartype=”icon” icon_fontawesome=”” frontcontent=”Click Here to say “Yes“ to KMBC!” frontcontentcolor=”#ffffff” backtitle=”Click the button below to Give Online” backcontent=”All gifts are income tax deductible and are administered and disbursed under the direction of the Board of Trustees of the college. We make every effort to honor the designation of your gift. No goods or services will be received in exchange for this gift.
If you would like assistance, please feel free to call our business office at 606-693-5000 ext. 100..” backcontentcolor=”#ffffff” backbutton=”Give Online” backbuttonbg=”#c6893f” backbuttonhoverbg=”rgba(198,137,63,0.6)” flipdirection=”rightleft” cardstyle=”customized” frontbg=”#500778″ backbg=”#500778″ cardborder=”solid” cardbordersize=”2px” bordercolor=”#c6893f” avatarsize=”80px” titlesize=”2″ contentsize=”.8″ contentwidth=”85%” iconcolor=”#500778″ elementwidth=”100%” elementheight=”340px” elementmargin=”0 0 0 0″ backbuttonlink=”||”]