KMBC Online

Whether you are a candidate pursuing ordination, a pastor desiring continuing education, or a church member earnestly wanting to go deeper in God’s Word, check out the KMBC online. Our classes offer quality education with KMBC’s firm commitment to the infallibility of God’s Word.

The KMBC online classes are structured for busy ministry-oriented adults who need flexible learning options. The class material is available 24 hours a day in order to fit with your schedule. And don’t miss the perfect complement to KMBC’s classes – KMBC chapel services!

Earn your degree online! We currently offer 16 programs 100% online, along with certificates and ordination tracks for multiple denominations. KMBC Online is nationally accredited and can transfer to other colleges.


Take a Class for College Credit

(Assignments and tests will be graded and must be completed on time. College credit will be issued.)
$305/hr +$50 online fee

Ex:  $965 for a 3-hour class

Take a class for Personal Enrichment

(No assignments or tests are required, and no college credit will be given or earned.)
$150/hr +$50 online fee

Ex: $500 for a 3-hour class

Scholarships Available for Online Students! Contact us to apply.

KMBC Online Classes Currently Available Include:

  • Foundations of Faith (3 Credit Hours)

    A foundational course in theology designed to give the student a basic understanding of the doctrines of God, man, and sin, and emphasizes the saving relationship into which God calls all human beings.

  • Pastoral Epistles (1 Credit Hour)

    A study of the Paul’s letters to Timothy and Titus with emphasis on application to present pastoral ministry.  Prerequisite:  BI 111.

  • Prison Epistles (2 Credit Hours)

    The four Epistles of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Philemon were written by Paul during his Roman imprisonment.   This class will consider the theological truths and practical applications contained in these letters.   Prerequisite:  BI 111.

  • Gospels (3 Credit Hours)

    A comprehensive study of the life and ministry of Jesus presented by the four gospel writers. Prerequisite: BI 111.

  • Acts (2 Credit Hours)

    The history of the origin, rise, and expansion of universal Christianity as presented in the Acts of the Apostles. Prerequisite: BI 111.

  • Pentateuch (3 Credit Hours)

    An historical and theological study of the first five books of the Old Testament which emphasizes the characters and the covenant.  The Pentateuch is examined as the foundation for the remainder of the history of God’s revelation to humanity. Prerequisite: BI 111.

  • Introduction to Christian Education (3 Credit Hours)

    This course emphasizes the biblical foundation of Christian education. Needs of the various age groups, current methods and approaches, curriculum and materials, organization and administration in the local church are practical aspects surveyed.

  • Pastoral Ministries (3 Credit Hours)

    This course is a practical study of the spiritual, intellectual, social, and professional life of the Christian ministers in relation to their responsibilities and duties as pastor. Emphasis is placed upon the shepherd as a model for pastoral ministries.

  • Advanced Homiletics (2 Credit Hours)

    An advanced course in the principles of construction and delivery of sermons. Prerequisite: MT 291.

  • Educational Psychology (3 Credit Hours)

    This course will introduce the major learning theories relevant to educational processes, to enable a better understanding of learners, and to provide a foundation for their application in the classroom. Prerequisite: PS 171.

  • English Bible Survey (3 Credit Hours)

    This course is an introduction to the content, theology and history of the Bible with a special emphasis upon the major people, places and events. The various literary genres are studied in order to discover their basic teachings and place in divine revelation. The course is a prerequisite to all other courses in biblical studies

  • Historical Books (3 Credit Hours)

    A survey of the historical books from Joshua through Esther, tracing the history of the Hebrew nation through the conquest of Canaan and the return following the exile. Prerequisites: BI 111 and OT 212.

  • Galatians and Thessalonians (2 Credit Hours)

    Paul’s missionary journeys brought him to both Galatia and Thessalonica. This study reveals needs of young Gentile churches that were grasping the truths of grace, growth, persecution and understand of the second coming of Christ. Prerequisite: BI 111

  • Romans (2 Credit Hours)

    A study of the Epistles of Romans which focuses on the theological truths and their application to the Christian life. Prerequisite: BI 111.

  • History of Civilization 1 (3 Credit Hours)

    The course surveys the history of civilization and focuses on the religious, political and legal aspects of the ancient, medieval and modern world as seen from the Christian perspective

  • Marriage and the Family (3 Credit Hours)

    This course considers the dynamics of marriage and family relationships. The emphasis will be upon the development of relationships from dating through courtship and marriage, with a special consideration for enrichment skills such as communication, conflict solving, budgeting, and role concepts.

  • Theology of Holiness (3 Credit Hours)

    An intensive study of the doctrine of Christian perfection and entire sanctification as a second work of grace as it comes to expression within Scripture and Wesleyan theology which are integrated with experiential material for the purpose of instructing, clarifying, and establishing students in their personal experience of entire sanctification

“It is nice to be able to get your education at your convenience. You have the opportunity to really get ahead in the class. Online classes provide the convenience to get an education while working a job too.”

Travis Johnson, Class of 2015
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