- The speaker will prepare and deliver a 3-5 minute message.
- The speech should be Inspirational in nature.
- The speech should be Christian in emphasis.
- The judges will evaluate the speech by a scoring guide.

Afternoon events will be broadcast Live on the KMBC Facebook and Instagram Pages
Evening Talent Show will be broadcast Live on the KMBC Facebook and Youtube Pages
1:00 – Welcome and Overview
1:15 – Christian Apologetics with Prof Zane Darland
2:15 – Theology of Holiness with Prof Tom Lorimer
3:15 – Chapel with KMBC President Dr. Philip Speas
4:00 – KMBC Campus Tour
4:30 – Meet KMBC professors
5:00 – Meet Admissions, with Q&A, and Opportunity to Apply
8:00pm – KMBC's Got Talent Live Online Show
Featuring the top contestants from the KGT Competition
and selected KMBC talent
Do you have some talent you'd like to share? You could win a $1000 scholarship to KMBC! Even if you're not looking to compete, join us for the livestream of classes, chapel, campus tour, and more!


Dramatic Presentation
- The speaker will prepare and deliver a 3-5 minute presentation.
- The speech should be a Drama, Mime, or Monologue.
- The speech should be Christian in emphasis.
- The judges will evaluate the speech by a scoring guide.

Vocal Solo
The singer will prepare and sing a 3-5 minute song.
The song should be sacred or worship in nature.
The singer may use recorded or live accompaniment, providing one’s own accompanist.
The judges will evaluate the selection using a scoring guide.

Persuasive Presentation
- The speaker will prepare and deliver a 3-5 minute speech.
- The speech should be Motivational in nature.
- The contestant should identify a spiritual/missional need and persuade others to get involved.
- The judges will evaluate the speech by a scoring guide.

Creative Writing
- The author will submit a writing sample no more than 10 pages in length.
- Writers must submit writing sample no later than April 16, 2020 to kmbc@kmbc.edu or via the website form.
- The speech should be Christian in emphasis.
- The judges will evaluate the writing by a scoring guide.

Instrumental Solo
- The instrumentalist will prepare and play 3-5 minute hymn or worship arrangement.
- The instrumentalist may use recorded or live accompaniment, providing one’s own accompanist.
- The judges will evaluate the selection using a scoring guide.

- The photographer will submit a photo demonstrating skill in both technical and artistic aspects of photography.
- Photography is the one category that does not have to have a specifically Christian subject; general subject matter is acceptable.
- The photographer must present their own work from start to finish.
- The photographer should include details about the photo and any additional explanation they wish to include.
- The judges will evaluate the photography by a scoring guide.

Worship Team
- The worship team will prepare and present a 3-5 minute hymn or worship arrangement.
- The group may use recorded or live accompaniment.
- The judges will evaluate the selection using a scoring guide.
The top performers will receive a
$1000.00 scholarship
to KMBC and be asked to perform in the Friday evening “KMBC’s Got Talent” Show.
`{`Each contestant may participate in multiple categories; Multiple scholarships will be awarded`}`
*The contestant is responsible for providing one's own accompanist.