
    • If you pre-register two weeks before the start date, you’ll get $10 off!
    • Groups of 8 or more will receive an additional $10 off!

Youth Pastors, where else can you find a fantastic youth camp for only $130!?

Worship | Small Groups | Kayaking | Waterslides | Ziplines | Hiking | Target & Clay Pigeon Shooting (16+) | Much More!

Week One:

June 9 – 13, 2025

Evangelist: TBD

Week Two:

June 23 – 27, 2025

Evangelist: TBD

Week Three:

July 28 – August 1, 2025

Evangelist: TBD

Volunteer positions available for Pastors and Youth Leaders during each camp week!

Quick Info

  • For Youth ages 12 -18

  • Cost: $150

  • Pre-Registration: $140

  • Group Pre-Registration: $130

  • Pre-Registration closes two weeks before your chosen camp

  • Registration at 10 AM on Monday

  • Camp ends after Lunch on Friday

What should I bring?

  • A Sleeping Bag
  • Casual & Church Clothes (No tanks and at least knee-length apparel.)
  • Clothes that can get DIRTY
  • Closed-toed, closed-heeled shoes | required for Ziplining
  • Toiletries
  • Spending Cash for the Snack Shack
  • Bible & Notebook

Have you been to New Heights Youth Camp before?
Like our facebook page for pictures and camp updates!

“Dedication to fulfilling God’s will for their life and the lives of teenagers is evident in the hearts of the leaders and speakers. While having ‘fun’ is something that the leaders want to do throughout the week, it is clear that furthering the Kingdom and bringing hearts closer to God is the priority of this camp. While seemingly so simple, this is often overlooked in summer camps. Whether you aren’t a Christian going into camp, perhaps are currently a back-sliding Christian, or are living a Christian life as best as you know possible, the services at this camp cater to every situation and struggle in a personal and simple yet profound way. God is truly moving and stirring people throughout the week. Everywhere you look there is someone, whether adult or teen, who is willing to help you and pray with you. For me personally I came to camp emotionally and mentally broken. I was in need of healing that only God could give. Service after service I was benefited by great sermons and helpful hands in prayer. This camp balances activities with spiritual growth.”  – 2012 Camper