Friday, October 16th, 2020
On-campus and Zoom services will begin at 6:30 PM
Saturday, October 17th, 2020
Update - Saturday Sessions are cancelled
UPDATE: We welcome you to join our college family during this exciting event. Unfortunately, we had a miscommunication with our guest speakers and the sessions will NOT be available on KMBC’s live stream. The information they will be sharing needs to remain confidential to protect those serving in these persecuted countries. We invite you to join us residentially, we will also be providing an alternate option for those who wish to attend online. Be sure to register!
How do you do church when it’s illegal to meet? Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, churches were suddenly ordered, by the government, to stop holding public services. Pastors who ignored this order were threatened with fines and jail terms. Americans had always assumed that we would be free to hold public worship services. The order to stop was a scary eye-opener. Fortunately, the ban has been lifted.
This, however, is a way of life for many Christians in other countries. In 52 countries (mostly Muslim and communist), Christians are persecuted, fined, imprisoned, tortured, and even killed for practicing their faith. In spite of this suffering and persecution, the church in many areas is growing by leaps and bounds.
How do they do it? What is their secret? The speakers at this conference work directly with persecuted Christians. They will tell touching and moving stories of Christians who have overcome and even died for their faith. They will share how they have built Christ’s Church in the face of great opposition and persecution. Let’s learn from them how to effectively do church when it’s illegal. The time may come when it’s illegal to do church in America. Let’s learn from them how to be victorious in difficult times.
6:30-7:15 PM - Dr. Michael Khalil's Gripping Testimony
7:15-8:00 PM - Outreach to Muslims
8:00-8:15 PM - Break
8:15-9:00 PM - Iraqi, Kurd, and Syrian Refugee Ministry
Update: Saturday sessions have been cancelled.