I have invested in KMBC annuities because I know KMBC is doing an outstanding job in training and preparing youth for church related ministries. I feel my investment is an eternal investment. Another good reason is because banks, and secular institutions are paying the lowest interest in my life time.
Most recently, I was privileged to be the speaker for the school’s 2016 Winter Revival. For the next six days, I observed what sets KMBC apart from most schools of higher learning. There is a sense of community. The faculty and students care about each other. The times of prayer around the altar and fellowship in the school’s cafeteria testify to that fact. The students have a sense of purpose. Most are studying full time ministry. The message of holiness is priority. This emphasis is the backbone of the school and has been throughout its storied history. Kentucky Mountain Bible College deserves … needs our support. They have mine!”
“For many years, I have observed that KMBC has one of the best records of training young people for full time ministry. I established a scholarship fund with KMBC because I wanted my life as holiness minister to live on after I was gone. It is so rewarding to get letters every year from students that have been helped by these funds. I thank God that I am even now reaping eternal benefits from this investment.”
” Fifteen years ago, my wife and I decided that while saving up for retirement, we also wanted to start a scholarship endowment in memory of my parents who had spent over 50 years in ministry. Over the years with the help of others that initial scholarship has grown 10 times. It brings me great joy to know that the amount given remains unspent with the earnings providing scholarships year after year, even after we are gone.”
What a privilege it was to study at Kentucky Mountain Bible College! Giants of the faith taught us the truth of Scriptural Holiness and demonstrated it in their lives. I had been saved and sanctified and called to preach the gospel before going to KMBC, but it was there that God established in me lifelong principles in the life of holiness. Study of His Word and the life of prayer became my regular practice. God taught me the importance of daily walking with Him and seeking His guidance.
In over fifty years ministry I have kept in touch with KMBC and have recommended this college to young people, some of whom trained there and are serving the Lord in ministry today. We have included this training center in our will and have established a scholarship fund so that we can have a part in its world-wide outreach until Jesus comes.
![Don Seymour](https://www.kmbc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Don-Seymour-1-60x60.jpg)