To see your up-to-date school bill, payment due dates, posted payments, and financial aid, start by logging into your Populi account. If you need help setting up a new Populi account, see the tutorial above.
Once you’re logged in, you will see outstanding Financial Aid Offers and any unpaid invoices posted under your alerts on the home page.
Otherwise, to access your school bill at any time, click on the “My Profile” tab to continue.
Then click the “Financial” tab.
By clicking the “By Term” tab, you can view your bill from any semester you’ve been enrolled at KMBC. For your current bill, select the current semester (which will be in bold).
Here you will see any Financial Aid Offers that you have accepted, payments you’ve made, and the current charges due. If you have questions regarding the amounts due, please call the Financial Aid Office at 606-693-5000 ext. 175. To accept your Financial Aid Offers, please see the tutorial below.
We also upload certain financial related documents into Populi, so that you will have access to copies of important financial documents.