15% Off Tuition for 2016 Students!

Kentucky Mountain Bible College is celebrating our 85th Anniversary in 2016!

To celebrate, we’re offering all students entering in 2016 a 15% discount on tuition for their first semester! We want you to be a part of our 85th entering class!

Get 15% off tuition with America’s Most Affordable Bible College!

KMBC: Prepare for Ministry

KMBC trains effective leaders for holiness ministry. With a high placement rate, a quality education, real-life experience training, and graduates who are four times more likely to stay in ministry, KMBC is one of the best colleges for ministry preparation.


  1. Just complete the full application process and be accepted by May 1, 2016.
  2. Enroll as a full-time on-campus student in 2016, and receive your discount!

Students applying for Spring 2016 must be accepted by December 8, 2015 in order to qualify for the discount.

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1) Application
2) $25 App Fee (waived if you’ve visited!)
3) 2 Personal References
4) ACT Score Results
5) High School & College Transcripts


KMBC has played a major role in my life, not only spiritually which is to be expected, but in the professional, social and overall makeup and fibers of who I have become.

Jeff SnyderGraduate of KMBC (2000)

Get Started

Call 1-800-879-5622 ext 138

for info or hard copies

Details and Conditions:

  • For first time, full time students at KMBC only.
  • On-campus students only: online-only students do not qualify for this promotion.
  • Students not meeting regular admission requirements may not be eligible for this promotion.  Regular admission includes all items mentioned above in “Admission Process”.
  • Discount good for a student’s first semester (1 semester only).
  • Tuition discount grant will be applied directly to student bill (cannot be withdrawn).
  • Special promotion for Spring/Fall 2016 only. This money will be forfeited if the student does not enroll full time or does not complete the semester they start in 2016.
  • 15% tuition discount is figured off the full tuition price before other payments, grants, scholarships, etc. The amount will be adjusted if the student’s tuition changes (adds a class, drops a class, etc).

Questions? Contact Us!

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